There are 2 distinct sets of programs and parts in Soundpaint with some obvious, but important differences.
Factory Library
Switch to the factory library with the icon in the top left corner (the one that looks like 3 books).
The factory library is pretty simple. It includes all the parts and programs that are included in instruments you download from You can quickly find parts and programs using the search bar and the filters and mark favorites using the heart icon.
If you want to edit a program with additional parts or different effects, you can right click on the program name at the top and save it - this new program will appear in the user library.
User Parts
Switch to the user library with the icon just in-between the factory icon and search bar (the one that looks like a person - that's you!).
When you export a part from the Soundpaint editor, it will appear in the user parts library. You can favorite these parts as well, and combine them in programs with other user and factory parts.
User Programs
Any program you save will show up in your personal user library. You can delete user programs by hovering over the program and clicking on the trash can icon that appears to the right.
You can right-click on a user program and click “Rename Program” to change the name.
If you don’t have a ton of user programs, you might want to try out the “single” list mode. You can toggle between “library” and “single” mode by clicking the button in the bottom left corner. The next button switches the list from alphabetical to reverse alphabetical.
All the same filters and favorites from the factory library work here as well.
Also, note that user programs can include both user and factory parts.
You can save any program to the user library. So, if you spend a lot of time in the user library, you could re-save some of your favorite factory programs as user programs too. Depending on your workflow, this could save you some time.
Don’t forget! If you’re moving to a different computer or just want to back up your programs, just click “Export All User Programs” from the hamburger menu in the top left corner.