Effects: These racks allow you to load in various effects racks, such as delay, phasers, filters, and reverb.
LFO: These Racks allow you to load and modify the controls for any of Soundpaints 4 LFOs
ADSR: This Rack allows you to control the ADSR of your current program. It also allows for switching and comparing between 4 separate ADSR models which are all fully customizable.
Master: This rack allows you to load and modify Soundpaints Master Controls.
Offset: This rack controls sample offset.
Time: This rack allows you to modify the length of the samples in each part
Touch: This rack allows you to change the range of pitch bend available through the pitch bend wheel, as well as enable and modify options for note glide.
Voicing: This rack allows you to control the Master Pitch options of Soundpaint, as well as modify the maximum amount of voices allowed.